Working with Angels to Share Your Message
Angel Master Class with Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney
You know you have a Mission and a Message. Now what?
Recognize the burning Angel Message your Soul is crying to share
Your Message expresses the qualities of your soul, and beyond that, of your true Being. Your message expresses your inner knowing. It beats your heart, and flows in your blood. It breathes life into every breath. Your soul message is your Credo for living, your passion and purpose. It is so natural that is may be invisible to you. But it is visible to your friends! Your message is a beacon shining brightly, calling to your true friends and soul mates.
Activate Your Angel Super Powers
Once you know your message, you can Activate your Angel Super Powers as you call them forth in daily life! These are the qualities of your soul, and beyond that, your true Being. Can you be at PEACE in any situation? Do you feel JOY regardless of how life looks? Do you face challenges with unconditional LOVE? Each time we activate our angel super powers, we are glowing. Each time we shine, we are charging the Unified Field with the power of LOVE.
Access this Angel Master Class 

Your angels want to reveal how you Share Your Message! You are needed to be a Voice of Love in the world right now.

"Lives Change when Kimberly speaks."

Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney is the Angel Activator. When angels want a new energy on earth, Kimberly is their go-to earth angel. Together they founded, wrote a dozen books and countless classes and programs.

Jump into to this one. You'll be glad you did!

Hundreds of thousands of people have benefited from Kimberly's message.

What is your message?
